With the COVID 19 pandemic still going on, succeeding and maintaining momentum on the sales front is not going to be an easy job. Feet- on-street sales teams, for instance, now have to achieve their targets through digital sales & virtual selling.

Such  a ‘revolutionary shift’ has thrown much-needed light on the strategic discipline of sales enablement and using sales enablement tools is turning out to be the need of the hour for boosting sales productivity and revenues. A testament to this premise would be the 54% increase in usage of sales intelligent tools since 2018 as per the State of Sales 2020 report by LinkedIn.

Below are 13 noteworthy sales enablement tools for your organization to evaluate as you look to enhance your sales team’s capability to improve customer interactions & win deals:

1.      Allego

This sales enablement tool provides a comprehensive mix of learning and enablement as well as content management. Their wide-ranging solutions ensure that employees are equipped with the required skills and knowledge and can make use of relevant insights and resources to maximizing revenue performance.

Key features:

·       Supports bite-sized learning in an engaging, convenient and effective way through the use of mobile and video

·       Has a wide-ranging role and industry-based solutions

·       Integrates training, practice, coaching, and content sharing into one single app catering to sales representatives

2.      Ambition

Ambition has grown to become one of the leading sales gamification platforms. They provides sales leaders with real-time coaching and performance management tools optimizing employee performance and accountability. Ambition is known for turning overwhelming data into crisp and easy to understand insights.

Key features:

·       One on One team coaching sessions

·       Uses analytics and dashboard facilities to display performance and other metrics

·       Spin up sales and fantasy-style competitions to drive productivity

3.      Kahoot!

Kahoot! is a game based learning platform which specializes in making trivia quizzes or learning games in a easy & quick manner. These games are aimed at reinforcing training and knowledge. On one hand, it helps leaders organise data better through visual reports and analytical insights. On the other, it helps employees retain knowledge, thus boosting performance.

Key Features:

·       Boosts engagement by gamifying topics

·       Provides facilities to assign self-paced challenges

·       Generating real-time feedback that sparks discussions

·       Provides a platform for seamless collaboration between sales teams

4.      Master-O

Master-O is a rapidly growing sales gamification and microlearning platform that enables the salesforce to improve their skills effortlessly. Rated as a high performer in the microlearning category by G2, Master-O provides a comprehensive sales enablement & learning solution for the field force. The platform also ensures faster alignment, seamless workflows & actionable insights for sales trainers, content creators, sales managers, and business leaders.

Key features:

·       Interactive microlearning & game-based assessments

·       Rapid content authoring to repackage existing PowerPoint based sales training content

·       Leverages behavioral psychology to nudge and build a habit for learning & enablement

·       Uses data science to analyse sales capabilities, ramp-up time and other actionable insights Correlates sales enablement & learning effectiveness with business results & productivity data

5.      MarcomCentral

MarcomCentral is a marketing and sales tool and mainly aims to make sales and marketing professionals reimagine the approach they use to access, customize and distribute their respective content across the organization. Focusing on sales enablement, it boosts sales by providing 24/7 access to the portal, personalizing collaterals, and activity trackers which provides them with the tools they need to close business.

Key features:

·       Allows users to access, customize and execute on-demand email campaigns

·       Tracks performance within the Salesforce Marketing Cloud

·       Helps in an easy update of line items, contact information, and pricing to accelerate the sales cycle

·       Enables sending, tracking, and logging contact activity directly from the Salesforce account

6.      ClosePlan

ClosePlan is a sales execution platform that caters to sales team of B2B firms. ClosePlan tools are designed to enable rigorous qualification, relationship mapping and to operationalize and reinforce the sales process. This platform aims to combine client sales strategy, sales process and sales methodology natively in a salesforce.

Key Features:

·       Helps visualize the buyer’s organization so sales reps can build relationships with the right people

·       Includes Deal Scorecard that provides quick visibility into opportunities to align conversations and forecasts

·       Includes playbooks that guide your team through sales best practices

7.      Visualize ROI

Visualize ROI is a sales enablement software which helps in value quantification and communication throughout the sales funnel. The platform’s main goal is to shorten sales cycle right from lead generation to value selling and make it more efficient and while increasing win rates. The solutions are designed for employees in varied roles such as, value management leaders, head of sales, customer success personnel and so on.

Key Features:  

·       Helps in determining key components of value proposition

·       Consistent creation of presentations, leveraging adoption data and value estimates

·       Helps in knowing and focusing on ideal client profile accounts

·       Automates outbound messages based in value

8.     BuyerDeck

Keeping in mind the major role content management play in sales enablement, BuyerDeck is one such platform which aims to make the salesforce more efficient and analytics-friendly. They provide the tools to create a differentiated experience and thereby, satisfy and build strong relations with clients and customers.

Key features:

·       Tracking facilities to see who is viewing the content

·       Delivers a customised content portal for your buyers to engage with and share among their stakeholders

·       Helps in gaining access to new stakeholders

·       A central content repository ensures that all sales and marketing content is in one place, accessible by all team members and up-to-date

9.      Arcade

Arcade is a dynamic sales gamification platform which caters to clients across various industries. The platform aims to gamify employee goals to improve performance and retention. It provides all in one solution for rewards, recognition, contests, communication and staff training.

Key Features:

·       Arcade instantly rewards incentives based on desired behaviours

·       Transforms KPIs into exciting games designed to motivate every employee

·       Connects teams in a central place with newsfeed & chat to help you get the job           done

10.      Streamz

This sales enablement solution focuses on a gamified approach to sales training and aims to accelerate businesses with a mobile-driven sales enablement and readiness platform. Streamz uses an AI-enabled continuous measurement technology to measure readiness consistently. It also helps the frontline team be sales-ready autonomously through personalized gaming paths.

Key features:

·       Fast content search features which enable employees

·       Recommended streams presented upon completion of a stream helps learners to build holistic knowledge and drives up the completion rates

·       Bite-size learning and in-Stream quizzes, polls and activities that helps in reinforcing learning

·       Easy content curation with automatic summarising and conversion of articles, webpages, and blogs

11.      SoloFire

SoloFire is a powerful sales enablement and content management platform catering to the sales teams of medical device and life sciences-based firms. The platform collects all relevant content and resources from the client organization and creates an analytics-driven dashboard. This enables the sales team to deliver the right content to the right people at the right time.

Key features:

·       Generates insights regarding which contacts need to be followed up with, what content is being viewed and when etc

·       Delivering presentations tailored as per client needs

·       Easy access to sales collaterals on a mobile or tablet

12.      ClientPoint

This digital sales platform helps build business relationships by connecting the entire marketing, sales & client care processes into one seamless experience. ClientPoint’s software makes it simple to create, send, track and manage digital proposals. This selling and closing platform aims to drive high close rates and shorter sales cycles.

Key features:

·       Easy access to important decks and documents enabling fast proposal preparation

·       Seamless integration with existing CRM Solutions

·       Robust document generation, storage and creation tools to making sales decks, proposals, RFP’s and other content come to life.

·       Content library, template creation and other tools ensuring that content is always the most current version

13.      DialSource

DialSource is a sales readiness and enablement platform which aims at capturing the context of every call and connecting directly to Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics CRM to generate insights and better conversations. The platform’s UPS lies in its ability to connect with any dial tone provider simplifying communicating with customers.

Key Features:

·       Provides CTIs solutions which work seamlessly within their current CRMs

·       Enables automation of busywork of sales and helps the salesforce focus on engaging conversations, mapping prospects and closing deals

·       Enables sales development reps to learn what works to capture the attention of their prospects

Have we missed out on any of your go-to Sales Enablement Tools?

If you would like to feature on our list of sales enablement tools for 2021, feel free to reach out to us at hello@masteroapp.com!